A Minimalist Approach to Personal Finance – Matt D’Avella

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There’s a basic formula to win at personal finance. And it’s this… Make more money than you spend. In practice it’s not that easy. In the real world our money slips through our fingers. No matter how much we make our bank account seems to have its own agenda.

In this video I breakdown common myths, pressures & misconceptions about money and how to manage it.

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Matt D'Avella June 26, 2018 - 2:28 am

Hey everybody! I'm making a course on habit change (it's my first one and it's going to be awesome). There will be lots of videos, silly jokes, & most of all actionable steps to make any habit stick.

Sign up to hear about it… http://mattdavella.com/newsletter

Javon Maclean October 28, 2021 - 9:21 am

The pathetic anthropology directly water because black ironically afford apropos a easy relative. chemical, somber tanzania

George Seaman October 30, 2021 - 12:39 am

I've never been in debt, but I've been dependent on my parents for most of my life. I'll tell you, after years of dead end jobs and small paychecks that would come and go, it's so personally rewarding to have a stable career path and minimalist habits to see my bank account now grow for the first time!

FinanceSky November 2, 2021 - 9:08 pm

Literally to the 1% who's reading this, God bless you, and may your dreams come true, stay safe and have a wonderful day.

Slowly R0tting November 5, 2021 - 1:02 am

Must be nice to have a mommy and daddy that can house you rent free

Shazana Khan November 6, 2021 - 4:33 pm

I've been wise with my money since 7yo when I use to get £1 for pocket money, at 16 gave my first few sign up to charities. Thats what helped me save along the way.

Sérgio Bastos November 9, 2021 - 4:03 am

Debt is provably the reason why society is so depressed, it is provably the dumbest thing to do in life. Even for a house, where we sign a contract for almost all our lives, because companies like Black Rock spend billions a month in real estate, while people struggle to pay for one. That's unfair and show us that governments don't really care about society, they only care about growth and not bankrupt while they are there. Never feed a bank or institution for a f***ing PS5, you are being just dumb.

Roberts Johnson November 9, 2021 - 12:41 pm

This video is so Exceptional, as it answers a lot of question regarding financial independence ,enterpreneurship and how to be a good investor. Well, this year is a good year for me , as I accumulated over $500k from the bullish nature of the market. I am glad to have invested in crypto currency following instructions and allowing John Augustus Godfrey Jr a licensed investment adviser manage all my trades

Krista Provost-Tate November 12, 2021 - 12:12 am

Great book suggestions. Read them all and it's changed my life for the better.

bash script November 14, 2021 - 8:06 am

thank you man!

Tarannum Khatri November 20, 2021 - 5:17 pm

Money mindset. That's also good.

Frank cooker November 23, 2021 - 10:13 am

It will take grace for financial literacy to be a norm, applauding my decision to start investing into the financial market earlier this year after facing the pandemic with no source of income to rely on. I am £ 17k in profits for this month I'm just glad I was bold enough

Christian Martinez November 23, 2021 - 3:39 pm

Use me as the dislike button

Triiip the hippy November 23, 2021 - 6:41 pm

Wow found this video by mistake but I needed to hear this!!

RanD Music November 28, 2021 - 3:16 pm

Literally just graduated with a degree in mass communication and working on my finances

Moda Mane December 14, 2021 - 2:35 am

Always live on less than make. It will help to you to fund your Investment capital and make more money.

Reem Domian December 15, 2021 - 6:29 am

The summary of your video is to spend less !!!! Really ?!

Jan Boháč December 23, 2021 - 2:02 pm

Do not spend money money whenever impossible..

Finance Time December 25, 2021 - 9:56 am

Very interesting approach to personal finance

Arthur Morgan December 27, 2021 - 7:39 am

My way out was grinding harder, listening more carefully at work, volunteering for hard challenges and overcoming them. I got promoted every year, by staying at the same company or changing workplace. I didn’t upgrade my lifestyle, it stayed the same. That was the key.

rajesh v January 3, 2022 - 8:18 pm

Respected sir please help me it's very urgent sir

rajesh v January 3, 2022 - 8:18 pm

Iam financial problems help me sir

Jianfa Tsai January 13, 2022 - 3:31 am

Don't pour too much water into drink bottle else your water becomes stale, breed bacteria, viruses cause you to be ill, where you suffer financial losses from 1. water throw away utility costs, 2. environmental damage conscience costs (I dont have a conscience so dont apply to me :/, but I appear to others that I have a conscience.) 3. medical bills costs.

Claudia Chiguer February 9, 2022 - 3:42 pm

The responsability of our own wealth is ours. Greetings from México

Kaitlin Riedl February 12, 2022 - 6:20 am

I feel like its impossible to save money. I live in kelowna BC canada. I have a roommate. Between rent, utilities, car payment, car insurance, gas, groceries/food, cell phone bill, student loan debt repayment…. i work 3 jobs and still cant seem to get ahead 🙁

Kaitlin Riedl February 12, 2022 - 6:20 am

I cant move in with my parents….. i don't get along with them and my brother already lives at home because of his mental illness….. not an option.

Jack Wyatt February 14, 2022 - 9:14 pm

Starting early is the best way of getting ahead to build wealth, It's such a pity most folks spend more and invest less while intelligent people always try to harness any investment opportunity not minding the risks involved.

The Resource Center 2 February 19, 2022 - 2:55 am

Great info. Keep up the great work.

Hưng Nguyễn February 20, 2022 - 1:51 pm

spend less money than you make

Williams Smith February 25, 2022 - 4:22 pm

Let's not forget that the biggest payouts in the markets don't come from great performances but rather it's great promotions. Stay invested, diversification for streams of incomes is very important.

Fraser Clark March 1, 2022 - 9:54 am

Thanks, you have helped inspired me to plan ahead for my future

Natali Marin March 18, 2022 - 5:32 pm

I repeat myself when a potenciales bad purchase is takimg ola cero, do I really reales need it? That has saved me dollar and gained discipline and be consistent with minimalist lifestyle

Samantha Stacy March 20, 2022 - 8:37 pm


Jacob Kennedy March 21, 2022 - 6:28 pm

My tip is track everything. You can't begin to even address your personal finances if you dont even know what your looking at.

A simple self made income statement works wonders.

List all your income and all your expenses and then subtract to the the excess money you can either save, invest or pay down debt with.

Njoku OKECHUKWU VAL March 31, 2022 - 11:23 pm

The book: The Richest Man In Babylon Has Made A Tremendous Effect In My Life.

Jianfa Tsai April 1, 2022 - 3:46 am

The most expensive product may not be the best suited to you or your needs. The most beautiful human may not be the most agreeable to you or your bank account.
