Unlocking Your First Mini Retirement with Jillian Johnsrud EP 333 – ChooseFI

by YouTube Team

In today’s episode, the guys walk to the host of Every Day Courage Jillian Johnsrud about Mini Retirements!

Checkout the shownotes and listen to the podcast here:


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Tyler Suarez July 12, 2021 - 8:12 am

Great episode guys! Jonathan rockin' the stubble. Love it!

vanguard valuist July 12, 2021 - 9:48 am

A new take on "Misery Loves Company" @ 38:42 lol

Chris Grosser July 12, 2021 - 11:48 am

Oh man, this episode hits close to home! I just left my secure, 6 figure corporate job of 4.5 years to pursue a completely new career path! Time to jump in the deep end.

Side note, I agree with it never hurts to ask! I was contemplating closing my credit card and spoke to their retention team and was offered 50,000 Amex points to stay as a customer. Not bad for less than 5 mins of “work.”

kevin perdana July 12, 2021 - 12:12 pm

I work and sleep and repeat till I don't know what an ideal day should look like other than sleeping. Sigh I really need to think this through

Pat H July 12, 2021 - 1:42 pm

While an interesting math exercise, looking at the impact of a year off because your networth at 90 is still large isn't relevant to the overwhelming majority and probably not even correct because 99% of us (or more?) are going to be living off that nest egg long before 90. Sounds like the networth calculations were done assuming you never retire. It would be more instructive to evaluate what is the impact of 1 year off on your networth at your desired retirement age of 60, 55, 50, 45, 40? What is the impact if you are 25, take a year off, had planned to retire at 45 and you get laid off from your job at 35? Testing retirement may be instructive and useful, but lets not use "tricky math" to confuse the issues and alter the framing to look more favorable and lower impact than it really is.

Damian Wong July 12, 2021 - 2:21 pm

Your content speaks to the heart. Keep going and I look forward to seeing ChooseFI become a 100k subs channel!

felix veja July 12, 2021 - 4:13 pm

This is a really interesting video. Got me thinking big time. Thank you guys

Darth Crypto July 12, 2021 - 4:55 pm

Quite inspiring… again, Thank you.

Shan Wilson July 13, 2021 - 8:17 pm

Love Jillian!!! Glad to see some new content on YouTube with her in it!

Chase Pasquotto-Torres July 15, 2021 - 12:01 am

Thank y'all for everything these last few years!

Andrew S August 5, 2021 - 3:05 pm

She’s a little kooky but I like the message!

Andrey B. August 25, 2021 - 6:12 pm

Good talk. Thanks.

M N October 24, 2021 - 10:07 pm

I left a job two weeks before all of the covid crap happened. I was sick of the place and it was toxic and I finally decided I'd go with this advice harped in the FI communities and do the 'right thing'.

Well, I only could get 600 hours of work in the following 16 months until I found a gig that has full time work (I'm in software consulting/contract work). Coincidentally I could've worked somewhere as a full time employee and made the same amount of money in 2500 hours that way…. These mini retirement/breaks don't always work out so peachy for everyone and it can absolutely be feast or famine. I'm very much turned off from stepping away again until I'm at least 70% to my FIRE number because the going can go from good to shit pretty quickly. The break was nice, but it wasn't really planned to go for more than a few months at most from the beginning and the next gig was always right around the corner until shit fell through again and again. So I never really got to take advantage of the time off.

I do like the advice of having a trip planned in your back pocket so that when this type of bullshit happens again then it is easier to make lemonade.
